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Adaptive IVR Blog

IVR Analytics Help You Make Better Workforce Optimization Decisions

Companies are being inundated with data about their customers, which is being churned out by myriad internal systems as well as external outreach (social media, for example). The Internet of Things, with millions of connected devices and sensors, is exponentially increasing this data flood.

One major – though often overlooked – data source is the interactive voice response (IVR) system used by most contact centers to handle phone-based voice self-service interactions. Thousands or millions of calls per month to the contact center generate huge volumes of customer analytics information – a rich but potentially overwhelming resource.

The trick is making sense of this data, and powering it for your organization. If that’s the case, is too much data really too much?

Topics: Customer Engagement Customer Care IVR Business Case Process Improvement Customer Data Contact Center Insights voice self-service IVR User Experience

Customer Service Agent Productivity is like a Monopoly Game

Customer Service Agent productivity has its ups and downs. The foundation you put in place to manage and incentivize your team can feel like a board game – to optimize agent productivity it’s best to practice making the winning moves and creating the right responsive game plans. Take Monopoly for example. Whoever collects the most real estate gets more “bank” to help them gain an advantage, but 
one wrong step can put you on a losing streak.

No matter how outstanding your contact center technology may be or how excellent your customer experience strategy may appear, the foundation of your contact center lies in the engagement and productivity of your agents. The following steps can make or break your agent productivity game plan.

Topics: Customer Engagement Customer Care IVR Business Case Process Improvement Customer Data Contact Center Insights voice self-service IVR User Experience