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Digital Engagement Blog

Why Your Digital Customer Engagement is Failing

Have you noticed how dramatically the devices that surround us in the digital mesh have changed how we communicate? Of course you have. Digital technology has altered the way we all live and behave.  What does that mean for customer engagement? 

Topics: Digital Context Consumer Behavior

How Do I Drive Digital Transformation?

As you look to drive digital transformation within your business, we believe the customer service function can help drive and support your goals.   But not what you think of as customer service today.  Let’s look at the ways “digital servicing” can help you achieve your breakthrough business goals.  

Topics: Digital Context

Mobile Customer Care Defined

There has been a lot of talk these days about mobile customer care or mobile customer service.  But what is it and why is it important?

Three years ago we started to investigate how care was provided by an enterprise to their customers who where on their mobile phones.   So we decided to ask the big industry analyst firms about mobile customer care.

Topics: Customer Care Mobile Engagement

Full Circle Digital Context: 12 Things to Achieve Before Next Pi Day

Today is a good day to come full circle and consider how customers will drive your digital engagement strategy. Yes, it’s pi day. And if you’re eyeing a bigger slice of it in the coming year, it’s time to consider just how much things have changed.

As always, we’re here to help. We put together this plum of a list of things you’ll want to achieve before the next pi day if you want to get your organization ready for digital context. We hope you’ll find this to be some delicious food for thought that drives many fruitful discussions:

Topics: Customer Engagement Digital Context

Grant These Three Wishes to Win the Hearts of Digital Consumers

Once upon a time, consumers were respectful of your time. As an enterprise, you could grant them access to your people on your terms.  Consumers would wait their turn and be glad to accept help from a sales associate or customer service representative when you were ready to provide it. 

Those were the days, huh?  It seems almost like a fairy tale now, because digital consumers have turned that world completely upside down.  They expect more, pay attention to you less, and behave so differently it’s hard to know when or where to engage them.

Topics: Customer Engagement Consumer Behavior

How Can You Save 32,000 Lifetimes of Wasted Customer Engagement?

Customer engagement success happens in the moments you share with your customers. So if you’re serious about providing customer experiences that drive true engagement, it’s essential to make every moment count. But every year, enterprises waste a huge engagement opportunity.

Topics: Customer Engagement Industry Insights Consumer Behavior

Mobile Engagement Vendor Landscape

Mobile engagement, digital engagement, and customer engagement are some of the hottest buzzwords that executives like to toss around these days.  While most of us have a general understanding of what all these terms mean, the specifics can get as fuzzy as the cloud most of these engagement solutions operate in.

Would you like to sound really smart the next time a "customer engagement" topic comes up in a meeting?  Let's start with mobile engagement and break it down for you.

Topics: Industry Insights Mobile Engagement

Seusstastic Digital Engagement

Happy birthday Dr. Seuss! 

To mark the occasion—and because we like goofy fun every once in a while—let's envision how Dr. Suess might have addressed digital engagement!

We hope you enjoy reading this as much as we enjoyed writing it!

Topics: Customer Engagement Consumer Behavior

Engaging Customers in Digital Context:  Wickedly Hard

Enterprises have been using our solutions to engage customers for over 12 years. Today our IVR platform supports over 1.5 billion calls a year. This vantage point has allowed us to observe how customer expectations and behaviors are changing across a wide set of industries.

One critical thing we see first hand is that consumers are radically shifting their expectations and behaviors. The shift started with mobility and now it’s picking up steam.

Others are talking about this as well:

Topics: Industry Insights Digital Context

Make Every Day “My Way Day” for Better Customer Engagement

It’s My Way Day!

My Way Day was ignited by the inspiring events that happened in the world based on someone’s new and innovative idea. The concept is simple: today you should do things exactly the way you want to because you never know what genius idea will come from it. (We’re sure your boss will understand).

When it comes to customer experience, we believe that every day should be My Way Day. We think that the ability to interact with enterprises and resolve discrepancies or problems should be convenient for the consumer -- possible on their own time, using whatever channel that suits them best in the moment they need help or support. In honor of this momentous holiday, we thought we’d share a few of the reasons we know it is important to make sure your customers have the capability at hand to interact their way.

Topics: Customer Care Mobile Engagement Consumer Behavior